
This Spacecraft Can Reach Another Solar System In 20 Years

Scientists from the Starshot Project claim to have discovered the fundamental bases to build a ship that will reach another solar system within our lifetimes. The dream of traveling to another star system for the first time in history is closer t…

Our Brains Are Too Puny to Fully Understand The Scale of The Universe

As an astrophysicist, I am always struck by the fact that even the wildest science-fiction stories tend to be distinctly human in character. No matter how exotic the locale or how unusual the scientific concepts, most science fiction ends up being a…

A Star Just Turned Into A Black Hole Before Hubble’s Very Eyes

When a massive star runs out of fuel, its core collapses into a dense object, ejecting the remaining gas in a process known as a supernova.  What remains are mostly neutron stars or black holes. And now, Hubble seems to have documented the instan…

NASA Admits To Discovering 'Something Weird' Happening To Our Universe

According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has hit a new milestone in its efforts to determine how rapidly the universe is expanding, and it strongly suggests that something weird is occurring in our universe. In the past few years,astronomers…

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