Black Holes

A Monster Black Hole Just Just Flipped Its Entire Magnetic Field

Black holes are powerful cosmic reactors. They supply the energy for quasars and other active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This is due to the interplay between matter and its enormous gravitational and magnetic forces. A black hole technically lacks a…

Aliens may be using black holes as quantum computers, physicists say

The idea that aliens might be using black holes as quantum computers is speculative and not supported by any direct evidence. However, some physicists have proposed that a highly advanced civilization could use the properties of black holes to perf…

A Strange Object Orbits The Milky Way’s Black Hole Every 70 Minutes

Astronomers have discovered a mysterious object, which they believe is a giant hot bubble of gas around the Milky Way's black hole every seventy minutes.  This means that the object is moving at a mind-boggling 30% of the speed of light. Observ…

A Strange Object Orbits The Milky Way’s Black Hole Every 70 Minutes

Astronomers have discovered a mysterious object, which they believe is a giant hot bubble of gas around the Milky Way's black hole every seventy minutes.  This means that the object is moving at a mind-boggling 30% of the speed of light. Obse…

For The First Time, NASA Witnesses Black Hole Giving Birth To Stars

Recent discovery, shows that black holes can make stars just as well as they can eat them. Astronomers came to this conclusion after watching a black hole 30 million light-years away make stars in a small galaxy called Henize 2-10. Experts say th…

Our Universe May Be Inside Of A Black Hole

Because our universe is so huge, it appears that nothing else could exist. Experts believe we may be in a 4-dimensional black hole. Our universe began at the singularity, an infinitely hot and dense point in space. According to CERN experts like …

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