With more than 200,000 photos, two astrophotographers have just published what they call the "most ridiculously detailed picture" of the Moon to date. A breathtaking single image composed of more than 200,000 individual images of the Mo…
A multinational team of researchers led by academics from the University of Kent and Imperial College London has detected extraterrestrial particles in Antarctica, suggesting the continent was struck by an asteroid of medium size. Particles were…
We are beginning to realize how little we know about the universe as we continue to explore it. For example, the number of galaxies in the universe is still unknown, even though the consensus is that there are roughly 200,000 billion galaxies in the k…
A rising number of individuals seem to believe that the earth is, in fact, flat. But it gets better. They also claim that Australia is a fake. According to a popular Facebook rant, the whole country (and, by extension, the 24 million people who …
The driest region on Earth is Antarctica's Dry Valleys, which haven't seen rain in almost 2 million years. This region receives no precipitation and covers an area of 4800 square kilometers with no water, ice, or snow. Lake Vida, Lake Vanda, L…
As an astrophysicist, I am always struck by the fact that even the wildest science-fiction stories tend to be distinctly human in character. No matter how exotic the locale or how unusual the scientific concepts, most science fiction ends up being a…
According to NASA, the Hubble Space Telescope has hit a new milestone in its efforts to determine how rapidly the universe is expanding, and it strongly suggests that something weird is occurring in our universe. In the past few years,astronomers…
Almost 1 billion years from this moment, the sun will enter its dying phase and blow off its outer atmosphere, eating our minute planet in hot plasma. Fortunately, our galaxy will be left with NASA's twin Voyager spacecraft to remember u…
Venera was a series of satellites launched by the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s to study Venus’ environment. It was also the program aimed at returning the first images of the surface of another planet. Over the course of the program, …
According to astronomers there are billions of galaxies in the universe, each one of them contain at least a trillion stars. This ultimately means there are likely trillions of habitable planets in the cosmos. But, if such habitable planets…
The LIGO discovery, the finding of a merger of 30-solar-mass black holes made astronomers question just how common black holes of such enormous sizes are and the frequency of their mergers. Astronomers of the University of California, Irvine led by UC…
We have an unquenchable energy need. When we need to run anything that cannot be plugged in, electricity will have to come from a battery, and the quest for a better battery is being launched in laboratories around the globe. Hold that thought for a m…
We are beginning to realize how little we know about the universe as we continue to explore it. For example, the number of galaxies in the universe is still unknown, even though the consensus is that there are roughly 200,000 billion galaxies in the k…
The largest diamond in the cosmos is not found on Earth. In reality, it is a white dwarf star called BPM 37093 or V886 Centauri. An " extinct " or " dead " star is a white dwarf star. Diamond-shaped V886 Centauri floats in outer sp…
Ryan Chester from North Royalton in Ohio submitted his video for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge (BTJC), which offers students aged thirteen to eighteen (13-18) to share their curiosity and interest in math and science with the entire world. Th…