
94% of the universe’s galaxies are permanently beyond our reach

The universe is expanding, with every galaxy beyond the Local Group speeding away from us. Today, most of the universe's galaxies are already receding faster than the speed of light. All galaxies currently beyond 18 billion light-years are forever…

JWST Discovers Giant Black Holes Scattered Throughout Early Universe

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), NASA's latest marvel in space observation, has made a groundbreaking discovery, revealing the presence of giant black holes scattered throughout the early universe.  Artist's impression of swarm of Black …

NASA Just Discovered A Planet That Defies All Logic

J1407b іs one of the ѕtrangeѕt рlanets іdentіfіed by ѕcientiѕtѕ. Thіs іs Sаturn on ѕteroidѕ, loсated аpproximаtely 434 lіght-years from Eаrth. Aѕtronomerѕ ѕtudying thіs ѕtrange globe ѕtruggled to сorreсtly сalсulate іts mаss. Stіll, іt’s eѕtimated to …

NEWS: Saturn's Mighty Rings Will Disappear From View In 2025

In a celestial event that occurs roughly every 15 years, Saturn's majestic rings are set to disappear from our view in 2025.  This phenomenon, caused by the planet's tilt as it orbits the Sun, will render the rings virtually invisible from …

Hundreds Of Stars Have Vanished Without A Trace. Where Did They Go?

Astronomers are facing a cosmic mystery: hundreds of stars observed decades ago seem to have vanished without a trace.  The Vanishing and Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) project has been diligently working to catalog thes…

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